The initial bulk gear order for 2023 has been placed with O’Neills.
If you’ve missed out on this initial order – don’t worry – we’ve ordered a selection of spares across most items in varying sizes.
Please fill out the gear form by clicking on the link below and letting us know what vou’d like and in what size and we’ll do our best to accommodate. Unfortunately we don’t have any spare Vests.
Remember that your club membership already includes a Polo top.
If we have spare items in your size we’ll get in touch and you can pay for the gear in the ‘Events’ tab.
St. Finbarr’s Club Gear 2023 Form
If you have any questions or issues you can send us a message through the ‘Support’ option by clicking on the top 3 bars on the homescreen in the app and ‘Contact club’ Alternatively you can contact Peter on +61 484569395 or Maud on +61 452562762
Link to size guide;